Unencumbered ECG Management
SciECG on tablet

No Minimum Volume     No Annual Contract    Low fee per ECG

Designed to ease your workflow, not burden it.

Store in the cloud. Read from anywhere. Share with anyone.

ECG volume per yearCost per ECG
 40,000 +.40
 30,000 - 39,999.45
 20,000 - 29,999.50
 10,000 - 19,999.55
 5,000 - 9,999.60
 0 - 4,999.70

For a modest fee per ECG
PicomCloud will provide you with
  • PICOM ECG, Professional ECG viewer and editor.
  • 7 year ECG archive and access.
  • Automated access to priors.
  • Platform independent web viewer.
  • Zero-footprint web viewing using all popular browsers.
  • Compatible with iPad, Android and Microsoft tablets.
  • Unlimited click access.

Disclaimer: The above pricing is based on a self-service pricing plan and payable only through an authorized credit card. ScImage reserves the right to change pricing at any time. Price modifications will be posted on this website. ECGs will be available online for seven (7) years from the date of upload. PicomCloud is a no-install application framework that explains usage as you go along, without traditional user manuals. You are expected to sign up and use PicomCloud services like any other domain specific Cloud services. Applications training (usage) and other services are not included in this pricing. If interested, please contact ScImage sales at to purchase application, implementation or other custom HL7 interface or report distribution services.

For voice recognition reporting, it is the responsibility of the user to acquire Dragon Natural Speaking (healthcare version) and a speech microphone. We recommend Philips dictation microphones. For more info see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Prices subject to change without notice.